Returns the current language of artyom.

This method takes the initialization language providen in the initialize function, if artyom has been not initialized, the default language will be English Great Britain (en-GB).

Artyom offers complete support for the following languages (with speech recognition and speech synthesis):


Since artyom v1.0.3 the language code for initialization needs to be in BCP 47 format.

Flag Description Codes for initialization
Supported language English (USA)
English (Great Britain) Great Britain 
United States of America
Supported language Español es-ES
Supported language Deutsch de-DE
Supported language Italiano it-IT
Supported language Français fr-FR
Supported language Japanese 日本人 ja-JP
Supported language Russian ru-RU
Supported language Brazil pt-PT
Supported language Polski (Poland) pl-PL
Supported language Indonesian (Indonesia) id-ID
Supported language Dutch (netherlands) nl-NL
Supported language Chinese (Cantonese[ 粤語(香港)]

Cantonese: zh-HK

Mandarin: zh-CN

Supported language Hindi (India Google हिन्दी)