The mixedpicker is a selector that allows you to choose folders as files at the same time.

OurCodeWorld.Filebrowser.mixedPicker is a function that starts a mixed file and folder picker (allow you to choose files and folders at time).

Arguments Description

The config argument (first argument) is an object that can have the following properties:
  • success: a function that handles the success cordova result. The function receives as first and unique parameter an array with the selected files and folders.
  • error: a function that handles the error cordova result. The function receives as first and unique parameter a string with the error description.
  • startupPath: [optional] a string (default value "default")with a predetermined start up directory. If providen, the filebrowser will start from that location (file://emulated/0/a-custom-start-path)

Selecting folders and files

To start a mixed picker, use the following code:

    success: function(data) {
            // No folder or files selected

        // Array with the selected files and folders
        // ["file:///storage/emulated/0/myfile.txt","file:///storage/emulated/0/folder", "file:///storage/emulated/0/other-file.txt"]
    error: function(e) {
        console.error("Error calling Hello Plugin",e);

Cordova mixed filepicker android